Business structuring — is a pledge of tax, property and management security
Attractiveness of business for the buyers and investors more Business is a business only when it can be sold which means it may be considered as a commodity. It is important for the buyer of the enterprise, as well as the investor, to understand WHAT he is investing his funds in. It is easier to give a real assessment for the structured business, it is easier to understand the scales and mechanism of all economic activities. Tax Optimization more The accumulation of the profits in offshore jurisdictions enables to save on taxes significantly, without violating the legislation. Protection against raider captures more An analysis of the long-term practice of raider activity shows that the attacks and seizures are usually preceded by economic transactions involving a legal entity that owns the main assets. The structured business implies that the enterprise-owner of the assets will not carry out any economic activity, except for the procedures on the transfer of assets for the use by its own operating or manufacturing companies. Risk distribution more The competent structuring of the business helps to avoid significant losses on fines and other sanctions in case of errors of operating companies. Ease of accounting. more It is much more convenient to maintain a structured business account than in a mixed company which is both the owner of assets, and the manufacturer, and the company that sells and supplies. Thus, the holding model significantly simplifies the monitoring of the efficiency of the commercial activities. Protection of beneficiaries more The structuring of business makes it possible to ensure absolute confidentiality of information about the holding structure and its beneficiaries. The company Finance Business Service is ready to assist in step-by-step restructuring of your business and turn it into a reliable holding structure. The cooperation with us is your opportunity to identify all the mistakes made earlier and to start business 'from the scratch.'