Abu DhabiForm of government:
Federal MonarchyArea:
83 600 км2Population:
4 millionCurrency:
Dirham UAE(AED)Taxation in the UAE
Direct taxes
The federal government does not impose taxes on profits or the material wealth of natural persons and legal entities. Nevertheless, most of the emirates adopted internal acts regulating taxation issues. In accordance with these acts, profits may be taxed at a rate of up to 50% on the taxable profits of companies that have ever been created. In practice, the application of the provisions of the acts is limited to oil exporting companies and foreign banks.
Налог на прибыль компаний налагается на иностранные нефтяные компании (нефтедобывающие и компании, занимающиеся разведкой нефтяных месторождений). Хотя, размер ставки налога для нефтяных компаний, как правило, составляет 55% от операционной прибыли, реальный размер налога, оплачиваемый нефтяными компаниями, рассчитывается на основании специальных индивидуальных концессий между компанией и соответствующим эмиратом. Ставка налога может варьироваться от 55% до 85%. Налогообложение иностранных банков происходит не во всех эмиратах. Филиалы иностранных банков облагаются налогом на прибыль по ставке 20% в эмиратах Дубай, Абу-Даби, Фуджейра и Шарджа. База налогообложения существенно не отличается между эмиратами. Вместе с тем, правительства эмиратов Дубай, Фуджейра и Шарджа приняли специальные акты, которые касаются налогообложения филиалов иностранных банков, в то время как в Абу-Даби такие акты не принимали.
In addition, special acts on taxation exist for most state-controlled joint ventures and some foreign banks. Submission of tax returns by enterprises that conduct other activities in the United Arab Emirates. No taxes are also imposed on money transfers, including dividends, interest on capital, royalties, or payment for the provision of technical services, etc., from other companies that operate within the UAE. Free zones within the UAE, which give the opportunity to register 100% of the authorized capital to non-residents, provide tax benefits to the companies that operate within such zones for a period of 15 to 50 years.
Indirect taxes
Some emirates set local taxes. In the emirate of Dubai, a 10% tax is levied on hotel incomes and revenues from entertainment services. In all emirates, with the exception of Abu Dhabi, the tax is levied on the leasing of commercial real estate - at a rate of 10% and income from renting accomodation - at a rate of 5%. In the emirate of Abu Dhabi, the real property rental income is not taxed, but the owners of the leased property are required to pay an annual license fee of the established amount.
Customs (import) duties are levied at a rate of 5%, at the same time, there are lots of goods that are not subject to duty, such as medicine, most food, industrial and technical goods and raw materials for industry enterprises, etc. The companies created in free zones are also exempted from payment of import duties, provided that the goods do not move beyond the specified zone. In the event that goods are moved outside the free zone - the import duty is collected at a standard rate of 5%.
Double Taxation Agreements
Double taxation agreements were concluded between the UAE and a number of countries. So, the taxes paid on the territory of the UAE can be claimed as a tax credit in the country of residence of the foreign company, depending on the terms of the agreements on the cancellation of double taxation and the domestic laws of the country of residence of the foreign company.